
Alexander Chudnovsky, updated 12 Dec of 2024y.

REFERENCES 1: Publications of last period,

  1. A. Chudnovsky, A. Matvejevs and E. Ligere, Electromagnetic fields’ calculations for quasi 2D electrovortex flows, Vol. 60, No. 1, 17-30, 2024
  2. E. A.Mikhailov, , A.P.Stepanova, A.a.Taranyuk A.Yu. Chudnovsky Electrovortex flow between two cylinders in linear approximation 2024,  – (Enzineer-physical Jornal)
  4. S. Pavlovs, A. Jakoviċs and A. Chudnovsky, Numerical study of heating and melting of metal in the industrial scale direct current electrical arc furnace, Vol. 59, No. 3/4, 391-400, 2023
  5. A.Chudnovsky,A. Matveevs.Quasy-2D models of electromagnetic fields. 2023,Jul, – (A presentation for BIT’s 6th Annual World Congress of Smart Materials-WCSM2023, Spain)
  7. S. Pavlovs, A. Jakoviċs and A. Chudnovsky, Electrovortex flow and melt homogenization in the industrial direct current electrical arc furnace, Vol. 58, No. 3, 305-326, 2022
  8. S. Pavlovs, A. Jakoviċs, Yu. Ivochkin and A. Chudnovsky, Comparison of numerical and experimental results on melt electrovortex flow driven by direct current supplied over top and bottom electrodes, Vol. 58, No. 3, 293-304, 2022
  9. S. Pavlovs, A. Jakoviċs, A. Chudnovsky, Yu. Ivochkin, I. Teplyakov and D. Vinogradov, Numerical and experimental study of electrovortex flow and temperature field in liquid metal with bifilar power supply, Vol. 58, No. 1/2, 65-80, 2022
  10. S. Pavlovs, A. Jakoviċs, A. Chudnovsky, Yu. Ivochkin, I. Teplyakov and D. Vinogradov,  Numerical and experimental study of electrovortex flow and temperature field in liquid metal with bifilar power supply, Vol. 58, No. 1/2, 65-80, 2022
  2. A. Chudnovsky,The stirring of melts in EAF, 4-th European Academic Symposium on EAF Steelmaking, Aachen, 2021(Presentation)
  4. A. Chudnovsky, Yu. Ivochkin, A. Jakoviċs, S. Pavlovs, I. Teplyakov and D. Vinogradov, Investigations of electrovortex flows with multi electrode power supply, Vol. 56, No. 4, 487-498, 2020
  5. E. Mikhailov, A. Chudnovsky, Asymptotic solution for the electrovortex flow between two planes in axisymmetric case, Sibirian journal of industrial Mathematics, Т.23– С.88-100, 2020
  6. A. Chudnovsky, Nonlinear effects in Electrovortex flow, Presentation on math cathedra of physical faculty of M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow State University, 2019
  7. A. Chudnovsky, E. Rusbergs, Countermoving jets in self similar electrovortex flow between two planes, 11th PAMIR Int. Conference – Fundamental and Applied MHD, July 1 – 5, Reims, France, 2019
  8. V. Dzelme, A. Jakovics, A. Chudnovsky, E. Baake, Simulation of electrically induced vortical flows// IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 424 ,2018.
  9. E. Mikhailov, A. Chudnovsky, Asymptotic approximation of solution for equation for slow electrovortex flow between two planes, 2018
  10. E. Mikhailov, A. Chudnovsky,The solution of a task about Electrovortex flow between two planes under various values of total current / // Waves and vortexes in complexes media: 11 conference – a school of young scientists; 01 – 03 december 2020 г School materiāls – С.120 – 123, 2018
  11. A. Chudnovsky, Physical modelling of 3D melt mixing for electrometallurgical aggregates, Vol. 53, No. 4, 747-758, 2017

REFERENCES 2: Important publications till 1994 y.

  1. A. Chudnovsky, Modelling of hydrodynamics processes of current-carrying melt of electroaggregates, thesis, IF. Riga-Perm, Specialty 01.02.05, Mechanics of fluid, gases and plasms.213 p., (in Russ) , 1988
  2. A. Yu. Chudnovskii, Evaluating the intensity of a single class of electrovortex; Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 25, No. 3, 406-408, 1989
  3. M. Z. Kaudze and A. Yu. Chudnovskii, The axisymmetric electrovortex flow between two planes, induced by an alternating current: MGD, Vol. 25, No. 2, 187-194, 1989 
  4. A. Yu. Chudnovskii, Modeling of electrovortex flows, Magnetohydrodynamics, Vol. 25, No. 3, 406-408,, 1989, Vol. 25, No. 3, 137-139, 1989;  
  5. A. Chudnovsky, S.B. Dement’ev, E.V. Scherbinin, V. Kh. Vlasuk, L. A. Volohonsky. Modelling of Electrically induced flows for studying of current-carrying melts of electrometallurgical devices. In Liquid metal Magnetohydrodynamics, int. symposium of  UITAM, Riga 187-193. ,1989,
  6. S. B. Dement’evV. G. ZhilinYu. P. IvochkinA. A. Oksman and  A.Yu.Chudnovskii, The question of forming electrovortex flows with a multielectrode current supply, MGD, Vol. 24, No. 4, 503-507, 1988
  7. S. B. Dement’evA. I. Chaikovskii and A. Yu. Chudnovskii, Generation of electrovortex flows in liquid-metal baths with a multielectrode current input: MGD,Vol. 24,No.1, 76-80, 1988
  8. V. G. ZhilinYu. P. IvochkinA. A. OksmanG. R. Lurin’shA. I. Chaikovskii, A.Yu.Chudnovskii and E. V. Shcherbinin, An experimental investigation of the velocity field in an axisymmetric electrovortex flow in a cylindrical container,: MGD, Vol. 22, No. 3,323-328, 1986 
  9.  V. V. BoyarevichA. I. Chaikovskii, A. Yu. Chudnovskii and E. V. Shcherbinin, Force acting on a movable connector in an electromagnetic launcher: MGD, Vol. 22, No. 2, 207-216, 1986
  10. A.Chudnovskii, Axisymmetric electrovortex flows for alternating current in a cylindrical container, MGD, Vol. 22, No. 1, 99-102, 1986 
  11. V.S.Malinovsky, A.Chudnovsky, M.M. Липовецкий Method of electrical melting and EAF for this. patent RF Nr 2048662 (in russ)
  12. V. V. BoyarevichR. P. Millere and A. Yu. Chudnovskii, Forces acting on bodies in current-carrying liquids, MGD, Vol. 21, No. 1, 53-57, 1985 
  13. Yu. G. Emelianenko, S. Yu. Andrienko, E. V. Scherbinin, A.I. Chaikovskij, A.Yu.Chudnovskij, An application for modelling of magnetohydrodynamics phenomena on Electroslag remelting. Invention certificate of USSR Nr 996490, published in bull 6 from 05,02,1983.
  14. E. Paton, B.I. Medovar,Yu. G. Emelianenko, S. Yu. Andrienko, E. V. Scherbinin, A. I. Chaikovskij, A. Yu. Chudnovskij, Magnetic Hydrodynamic phenomena in Electroslag remelting and solidification of Electroslag remelting ingots. Processing of 7th ICVM, Tokyo, Japan, 1527-1534, 1982
  15. B.E. Paton, B. I. Medovar, Yu. G. Emelianenko, S. Yu. Andrienko, E. V. Scherbinin, A. Yu. Chudnovskij, A.I. Chaikovskij, G.A. Boiko. Study of magnetic hydrodynamic phenomena in slag pool during ESR. The eight Japan-USSR point symposium on physical chemistry of metallurgical processes, Japan, 241-253.  1981

 Some directions of current investigations (in progress 2024-2025):

  1. Stokes Electrovortex flow between two co-axial cylinders with azimuthal rotation,
  2. Nonlinear effects in nonstationary axysimmetric electrovortex flow between two co-axial cylinders or between two planes.
  3. Quasi 2D electrovortex flows, induced by alternative current.
  4.  Melt stirring technology.
  5. Eksperimental investigation of magnetic fields for Q2D bifilar current supply.

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